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Gaming in Asia
gamescom Asia Announced For 2020, Taking Place Of GameStart Asia
GameStart Asia returns for 2019, but will see a change of name in 2020. Southeast Asia's biggest gaming event will now…
ACE Varsity To Provide Opportunities For Malaysian Students Make A…
eGG Network has launched a platform to help Malaysian college students to start a career in gaming and esports.
Expect Garena To Bring More Games By Tencent To Southeast Asia In The…
Garena, local publishers for FIFA Online 3 and League Of Legends, have been bringing in more games in the mobile space…
Play Everything Lounge By PlayStation Launched In Malaysia- Try New…
Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited Singapore Branch (SIES) (i.e. Playstation Asia) has launched the Play…
MMU Cyberplay Is An Upcoming LAN Party With Esports Tourneys Open To…
The good old spirit of LAN parties is still alive in Malaysia. One of the coming events this December is MMU Cyberplay.…
Malaysia’s Esports And Game Development Industry Getting…
Things are looking bright for the local gaming scene, both the esports side and the game development side of things.…
Expect PSX SEA To Be Held Across All Southeast Asian Countries In The…
PSX SEA is getting its second year of running this year in Thailand after the first event last year, the first PSX…
OpTic Is Expanding Its Brand To Southeast Asia, Signs Up Three Content…
Looks like the green wall is expanding over to the sea. OpTic Gaming is a US-based esports organisation with active…
Resident Evil 2 Coming To PSX SEA 2018
Playstation Asia has slowly been unraveling the games that will be available at the upcoming PSX SEA 2018, set to be…
PSX SEA Heading To Bangkok This August 18-19
Yup folks, the next PlayStation Experience South East Asia is going to be held at the GMM Live House in Bangkok,…