Celebrate E3 With The Official Gamer Matters E3 Predictions Bingo Card

E3 is a time of celebrations for gamers everywhere, and what better way to celebrate than making wild predictions on what will be shown or revealed at this year’s many media showcases and briefings- some starting days ahead of E3!

We, the crew at Gamer Matters will be full-on covering this year with the Gamer Matters E3 2018 Extravaganza Aftershow, where we will talk about all the announcements so far after the day is done. Here’s our schedule and tentative.

Don’t know when the E3 showcases wil happen? We got you covered.

But before that, we recorded our pre-E3 show, which should guide you on what you need to know about this year’s E3 media briefings. We also throw our metaphorical hats in with our very own bold predictions. Some are sheer dreams, some are already true, some are in the middle of the two extremes.

Listen to our one-hour-and-a-half talk about what we hoped to see at E3 here.

And as the title of the article suggest, we have our very own E3 bingo card. The progress of the bingo card will be discussed on the Aftershow starting tomorrow.

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