Warframe Call Of The Tempestarii Update Adds More Railjack Content, New Warframe

Warframe’s latest major update, Call Of The Tempestarii, is now live on all platforms.

The update focuses on expanding the Railjack space ship mechanic introduced before. It may not be a popular piece of content among players, but the update makes it more viable for solo players, and expands the space map.

There’s also a new questline, which will see you investigating a ghost ship that’s patrolling the new Corpus Proxima regions. You’ll need to complete The Deadlock Protocol Quest to begin the new quest.

Completing the quest will unlock the blueprint for the new warframe for this update: Sevagoth. Sevagoth is a being of death, and their abilities involve reaping and sowing enemies to increase the “death well” bar.

Sevagoth can also transform into its Shadow form, either as its 4 ability, or when Sevagoth dies, and as this floating monstrosity, you get another 4 sets of abilities, the last one is returning back as Sevagoth. So you get a down but not out mechanic, in the form of a Warframe with Stand powers.

There are new Railjack missions, a crew system where you can recruit and level them up as they help you man the Railjack systems when playing solo.

And what better way to put a knot on the new space ship-focused content with a new space ship shanty. The theme heard from the trailer, Sleeping In The Cold Below, is as hummable and catchy as the working-class theme We All Lift Together. And you can hear the full tune of Sleeping In The Cold Below here:

Source: Warframe

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