Upload Is Hosting An E3 Showcase Just For VR Games On June 10th

Upload, a gaming site dedicated on VR games coverage, is hosting a showcase for just VR games just in time for E3.

The Upload E3 VR Showcase will see over 30 games highlighted in the span of a 60-minute video, which will be broadcast over on their YouTube channel.

The confirmed developers to appear on the Upload E3 VR Showcase are as follows:

  • Fast Travel Games (Apex Construct)
  • Neat Corporation (Budget Cuts)
  • Survios (Creed, Raw Data)
  • Wolf & Wood (The Exorcist VR)

Upload will also have the folks at Oculus and their line of developers appearing as well. Expect some world premiers too.

The Upload E3 VR Showcase will commence on June 10th, 9AM PDT (June 11th, 12AM Malaysian Time, +8GMT) which see it slotting before the PC Gaming Show and after Devolver’s “press conference”. It’s a niche showcase for sure, but VR enthusiasts should be pumped.

Source: Upload

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