The Trials Of Mana Remake Is Coming Out On April 2020

Trials Of Mana, the third in the Mana series, is getting a remake. Announced at E3 2019, now we have a release date for when it’s coming out for us in Asia.

The Trials Of Mana remake, like the Secret Of Mana remake before it, will be in full 3D. While you can’t switch to the good old 2D sprites from the original 1995 SNES release, you do get to switch between the original and newly rearranged soundtrack, created by the original composer Hiroki Kikuta.

Also new to the remake is that characters now have voice lines, including new conversation interludes, in either Japanese or English.

With the switch to 3D comes a change to combat, which now adds jumping, dodging and combos like what you would expect in an action RPG. Have a look at the combat, and the six playable heroes, here:

Trials of Mana will be out on April 24th, 2020 for the PS4 (on PS Store Asia) and PC (Steam) on April 25th, 2020. It will also be released on Switch.

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