Shadow of the Colossus Remake For PS4 Announced

Can you hear me screaming from excitement?


Sony’s E3 press conference was definitely a weird one. While not on Devolver levels of weird, Sony’s was much shorter than it’s counterpart, Microsoft, as well as having barely any talking at all. And while everyone checked their prediction scorecards for anticipated games, I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say no one saw a remake of PS2 classic Shadow of the Colossus coming.

For those new to videogaming Shadow of the Colossus was a unique game for the PS2 that had you hunting down Colossi, huge monsters, to save a princess. All you had to kill these colossi were a bow and arrow, your horse, and a magic sword that pointed you to the beasts’ weak points, accessible via climbing.

In the era of many a HD remaster, it’s important to note the semantics used in announcing this game: the PlaystationEU youtube channel explicitly describes this as “recreated for PS4”, meaning it’s more than just upscaled textures of the PS3 port (although one look at the trailer and you’d probably also notice the difference). Based on the trailer, it looks like, at the very least, some of the models have been tweaked as well as some sound design changes.

If you’re new to all this, there’s a lot to understand about the legacy of Shadow of the Colossus- the game is, for all intents and purposes, a mechanical work of art. For anyone interested at an academic breakdown of the game, I highly recommend this series by ExtraCredits

Shadow of the Colossus is slated for a 2018 release on PS4.

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