Expect To See Warframe’s The New War Expansion At TennoCon 2021

The long wait for The New War might be over. Expect to see a preview of the upcoming expansion to free-to-play shooter Warframe at this year’s TennoCon.

The New War was first teased back in TennoCon 2018, but open worlds and space ships may have sidetracked the narrative arc for a few years. This new expansion will be plot-heavy as it should resolve a long-awaited story point, which involves some twists and reveals.

TennoCon 2021 will be a digital event, which will take place on July 12 starting at 12.30 PM ET (July 13, 12.30 AM Malaysia Time, +8 GMT).

The keynote is at the end of the day, TennoLive, which is where The New War and other big reveals will happen. This will be taking place at 5PM ET (5 AM GMT+8).

Like always, there will be rewards for players that tune in to the digital show either on Twitch, Steam or in-game at the relays. You will need to link your Twitch account to receive the rewards via Twitch.

Here are some of the rewards and how to get them:

Vastilok Gunblade

  • Watch TennoCon 2021 for 30 consecutive minutes from 12.30 PM ET to 5 PM ET (12.30 AM-5.30 AM +8 GMT)

Loki Prime + Slot

  • Watch TennoLive 2021 for 30 consecutive minutes from 12.30 PM ET to 5 PM ET (12.30 AM-5.30 AM +8 GMT)

Tannukai Longsword Skin + Tannukai Armour Set

  • Watch TennoLive 2021 from the in-game relay until the end of the show

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