Civilization VI Is Now Available On The iPad

Now you can play just one more turn of Civilization VI on the go. The full turn-based 4X strategy game for the PC is now available for selected iPad models, namely the iPad Air 2, iPad 2017, or any iPad Pro. This is the same experience as seen in the base PC version, so no DLC civs like the Khmer and Indonesia. Or even the upcoming Rise And Fall expansion.

The free version contains a free 60-turn demo, which should allow you to play the early ages. The full game is currently priced at $29.99 USD, but will be double the price after the launch window. That’s maybe too pricey for an app on the App Store.

The version in Malaysia has yet to include the in-app purchase to unlock the full version, so we will have to wait and see if the price is reasonable or not.

Civilization VI’s art style has many detractors, equating the style to be fit for a mobile game compared to Civ V’s more realistic look. And now it is a mobile game.

Source: Game Informer

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