Wreckfest 2 Enters Early Access This March

2025 is the year of racing games releasing in Early Access it seems, as we have another game added to the list following Assetto Corsa Evo and Tokyo Xtreme Racer (2025).

Wreckfest 2, Bugbear Entertainment’s next car game, will be releasing in Early Access this March.

Wreckfest 2 Early Access: What To Expect

Wreckfest 2 will have an overhauled physics system for this banger racing game where rubbing is racing and so is crashing rivals into a wreck. It’s in the name.

The rust buckets with four wheels are all customisable. Online multiplayer will be available during Early Access (with skill-based matchmaking which is, unlike in Call Of Duty games, is a desirable feature), A career mode will be available, as well as special challenges to take on. There’s a tournaments (special events) and… mod support. Steam Workshop support will be available during this period. Wild.

The game will feature normal racing (though the tracks will have junk lying around and intersections where you may or may not intentionally T-bone or be T-boned by traffic), as well as derby mode where you just wreck the cars and have fun seeing cars actually get damaged for once. It’s a rarity these days to see cars crumpled up proper, and if the sequel can live up to original’s reputation, you can expect so good crashes. And not the game crashing due to bugs.

More content will be added throughout the Early Access period, THQ Nordic promises.

Wreckfest Has A History With Steam Early Access

Wreckfest started life simply known as Next Car Game and when it was first announced in 2013, and it was a game that managed to get made despite having no publisher interested on backing the project. Next Car Game had a failed Kickstarter campaign, but through Steam Early Access, it managed to gain traction, albeit slowly, until the game eventually renamed to Wreckfest, with THQ Nordic as its publisher, in 2018.

Seeing Wreckfest 2 makes sense in that regard. But what sort of state the game will be when it is available during Early Access remains to be seen. But feedback from players during this period will play a big role in shaping this banger racer. Or folk racing, as some folks refer to this style of racing.

Wreckfest 2 crashes into Steam Early Access, hopefully not literally, on March 20.

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