Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Signs With Hooded Horse As Work Continues For 1.0 Release

Indie strategy and sim publisher Hooded Horse signs another game under its growing list of published titles. And this time it’s for Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.

This is a city-builder game with a Soviet-era theme developed by 3DIVISION.

In Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic, you take control of a fictional former soviet bloc republic, with the goal of turning it into an industrial superpower.

There’s a good number of choices on what industry to develop- there’s over 30 different commodities available. There’s a whole economy simulation, a lot of urban planning which involve building trains and rail tracks, and a very distinct, and realistic, depiction of 1960s-1990s Soviet-era architecture.

Plus, the game even includes mod support from the get go.

Earlier this year, Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic made headlines after the game was hit by a DMCA takedown by its own fan, momentarily delisting the game in the process. The issue has since been addressed.

Hopefully with the backing of a publisher with a solid track record to get this game towards its 1.0 release without any more unexpected setbacks.

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic is currently on Steam Early Access and available for purchase.

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