Totally Reliable Delivery Service Is A Physics-Based Co-Op Game, Out Now, And Free On Some Platforms

What if in these trying times you play a game where you be a courier, but it doesn’t have dead babies? And has co-op, and physics-based shenanigans?

Totally Reliable Delivery Service is that game. You take a package and go deliver it by any means, with ragdoll physics on. With plenty of vehicles you can drive or pilot.

Also, you can play with up to four players, online or local split-screen co-op.

The crazy part? It’s out now, and depending on the platform you are on, it’s totally free. It’s free right now on iOS and Android. It’s also free until April 8th on the Epic Games Store. It’s free as part of Xbox Game Pass for Xbox One. It’s also out on PS4 and Switch.

Publisher Tinybuild Games cite that this is their biggest game launch- with all six platforms launching simultaneously. You can say that their delivery was totally reliable.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service is out now on PS4, PC (Epic Games Store), Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.

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