The Sims 4 Finally Makes Its Way To Consoles

The Sims is one legendary series. It’s the first mainstream hit on PC that proved there is a market for casual gamers before the rise of games on Facebook and mobile devices. For seventeen years the doll house simulator keeps on going, the latest edition on PC, The Sims 4, is still getting new updates and paid DLC to this day.

And now we finally get the game coming to consoles.

The Sims have its roots on the PC, it has dabbled with console releases, which takes some liberties when it comes to how it handled gameplay and content. There were even console exclusive releases that brought new gameplay to the series.

But with The Sims 4, the console edition will have feature parity with the PC version. So you will be getting the exact same game from the PC with nothing changed, added or removed, a first in the series.

However, that means that the console version will also be following the way The Sims 4 adding more content. Free updates may contain items, but a lot of substantial content, including some that adds entirely new gameplay options, are all tied into the various expansion packs, game packs and stuff packs.

At the moment, The Sims 4 for consoles will have a Deluxe Party Edition based on the digital deluxe edition for PC- The Up All Night, Life Of The Party and Awesome Animal Hats digital contents as well as one Stuff Pack. The Perfect Patio Stuff Pack is available as a pre-order bonus.

So expect the same vanilla The Sims 4 to appear on PS4 and Xbox One on November 17. And expect the current count of three expansion packs, five game packs and 11 stuff packs to be available down the line.

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