It’s all fun and games in Bethesdaland. The only presentation to be delivered late at night (or in the afternoon for our case in Southeast Asia), Bethesda just made it very concise with less shenanigans from multiple presenters. It’s almost as fully scripted as a Nintendo Direct.
While there are not a lot of games or surprises, the good news is that what we see here are mostly arriving before the end of the year. No need for long waits, they’re coming out soon.
Here’s a quick recap on what was shown today at Bethesda’s press conference:
Leaks Confirmed
Two big titles displayed at Bethesda’s E3 press conference leaked ahead of time, but both looked promising. The Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein II The New Colossus were revealed to great fanfare
Related Articles: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Revealed, The Evil Within 2 Announced
Mods And VR
Bethesda is taking another crack again at monetising mods via a curated selection called the Creator’s Club. This time the ecosystem seems a bit more mindful of the mod scene but we will need to see how it is received once it’s launched.
Aside from that, Bethesda is looking to release two games that made the transisiton to VR, Doom and Fallout 4.
Related Articles: Curated, Monetised Mods Introduced With Bethesda’s Creation Club, Doom And Fallout In VR Coming This Year
More Elder Scrolls That Isn’t Elder Scrolls VI
Todd Howard was not present today for a big reveal of a new Elder Scrolls game, but there are various other Elder Scrolls games being shown. New expansion for the Elder Scrolls Legends card game called Heroes Of Skyrim, a reminder that Elder Scrolls Online’s new expansion Morrowind is out and the Nintendo Switch version of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim were shown.
Maybe we’ll see another new Elder Scrolls in the next year or two.
Related Articles: Skyrim: Switch Edition Includes Amiibo Support
Nice Surprises
While it isn’t much, but there are a few nice surprises. Bethesda finally put a price tag on how much do they care about Quake esports (it’s $1,000,000 USD) and even after releasing Dishonored 2 and Prey, Arkane is releasing one more game in the form of a stand-alone experience for Dishonored.
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