New Super Bomberman R Patch Added Guest Characters From Silent Hill, Castlevania and Gradius

Well, looks like Konami hasn’t forgotten about their game IPs after all. Super Bomberman R has been doing well as a Switch launch title and has since received various updates, including one that ensures the game runs at 60fps.

The latest update to the game, version 1.4, added more characters into the list which are guest characters from other Konami IP. And yes, that is the Pyramid Head from Silent Hill making an appearance, and from the art shown the rest of the bombers are pretty shocked as well.

The other two is Simon Belmont from Castlevania and Vic Viper from Gradius. Fun side note: There was also a Vic Viper in Zone Of The Enders: The 2nd Runner, the mecha game directed by Hideo Kojima.

But will we see Snake making a guest appearance? Who knows, they managed to bring a Silent Hill monster of all things in Bomberman, so it all depends on if Konami is caring enough about games, especially the ones made by their former illustrious employee.

The new update should be available now.

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