Genshin Impact Update 2.4 Arrives On January 5, Celebrates The New Year With Something New And Familiar

Mihoyo has officially announced that the newest version of Genshin Impact, Version 2.4, is arriving next week. Ushering the new year with the return of the fan favorite Lantern Rite Festival in Liyue, along with new characters and a new area to explore.

Players will get to explore the new area Enkanomiya, an underwater island which has been in ruins thanks to the abyss appearance. This is where the Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames lies and will challenge players when they travel to this area.

Two new characters will also be introduced in this update, like the 5-Star Shenhe, who is a polearm Cryo user and can debuff other cyro users as well in-team. Then we have 4-star character Yun Jin, who is a Geo based character that also buff their party members during combat. Joining them as well are reruns for Xiao, Ganyu, and Zhongli if you haven’t gotten them yet.

And as mentioned, Liyue Harbor will the focus of this update, thanks to the Lantern Rite festival returning. Players can help the locals and Ningguang rebuild the Jade Chamber, which might net them rewards such as 10 Intertwined Fates, a chance to get one of the eight free 4-star Liyue characters and Ningguang’s new outfit, the Orchid’s Evening Gown.

Genshin Impact Update 2.4 is set to launch on January 5.

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