Genshin Impact Update 2.1 Adds Fishing, New Islands And Characters

With Genshin Impact about to celebrate their first year anniversary, Mihoyo is getting ready for it’s 2.1 Update that’s releasing on the first day of September.

The new update brings an end towards the current Inazuma arc and brings in three (four if you count Alloy coming in for free for PlayStation users early) new characters to the game, the much anticipated Raiden Shogun, Kujou Sara, and Kokomi, all of which are featured in the trailer above.

As part of this update, two new islands will be added towards the game too, Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island. And besides that, Fishing will be added to the game, where the many lakes and coastlines of the game awaits you and baits that you can create at alchemy tables.

And finally, a Moonlight Merriment event is coming where you can get rewards by doing challenges around Liyu. Plus, Genshin players will be getting 10 Free Intertwined Fates for the Daily Login & Double Crystal bonus reset when the Update drops on 1st September.

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