Garou: Mark Of The Wolves Now Updated With Rollback Netcode

The current hot-button topic in the fighting game community is the need for rollback netcode. During online matches, regular input delay netcode results in overall sluggish matches with sluggish controls for both players if one has a low connection rate. Rollback netcode will keep player input intact, hence less sluggish control. Not needing to wait for both inputs to arrive simultaneously also resulting in better matches with players over longer distances.

Apparently, SNK has just added rollback netcode, in particular, the netcode system engineered by developers Code Mystics, to Garou: Mark Of The Wolves. This was announced by Code Mystics as well as SNK’s community manager over on Twitter.

The netcode change affects the PS4, PS Vita, and PC (Steam, GOG) versions of the game. The PC version still has access to the original release by going to the beta branch and type the code “dotemubranch”.

Code Mystics’ implementation of netcode lets player either use delay-based netcode, rollback or anything in-between dubbed “blended”. Code Mystics has a handy-dandy explanation of how the netcode differs in this little video:

Right now, a proclamation of good rollback netcode is what the fighting game players are looking for, so good on SNK to add them in for their legacy titles.

Recently, animal meme fighting game Fight Of Animals also uses rollback netcode for their online play, something the indie developers are really proud of having.

via Gamespot, Siliconera

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