EVO 2019: New Guilty Gear Game Announced, Coming Out In 2020

Heaven or hell, let's rock

A new Guilty Gear is in the works, Arc System Works announced at EVO 2019. This will be developed by the same Team Red within Arcsys headed by Daisuke Ishiwatari, who has been helming the Guilty Gear series since its inception.

The teaser trailer shows some cool new details- more than SNK’s KOF XV announcement. The trademark 3D models that look like 2D art are back, Sol Badguy and Ky Kiske (in a new getup)- the two leading boys of the series- are returning. Plus, there’s a new character revealed at trailer’s tail end. There might also be stage transitions ala Dragon Ball FighterZ, the last fighter the developers have released.

The new Guilty Gear game, which yet to be properly titled, will be out sometime next year. Between this, the upcoming Grandblue Fantasy Versus and Blazblue Cross Tag Battle which is getting a version 2.0 update, Arcsys sure are busy these days.

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