Cody Is Unchained And Is The Next DLC Character For Street Fighter V, Out June 26th

Look at this beautiful man

Capcom has revealed earlier on all the DLC characters coming for Season 3 of Street Fighter V, and from previous teases on the Street Fighter Twitter page, it’s easy to guess who’s next. It’s Cody- first appeared in beat-em-up Final Fight and made his Street Fighter debut in Alpha 3. By SF IV, he was recently escaped from jailed- handcuffs and all- but now he’s pardoned by Metro City mayor Mike Haggar to replace him.

Which explains his new spiffy look. The beautiful man is unchained no more.

Have a look at the gameplay reveal trailer here, as debuted at Combo Breaker 2018. Interestingly, it features a small live-action segment featuring Kenny Omega as Cody and Xavier Woods as the person calling him. The two professional wrestlers’ beef in Street Fighter is well documented and it’s a slight nod from Capcom to the fighting game community that continues to support the game.

Cody’s moveset see some significant changes from his SF IV incarnation. Rather than throwing rocks as a projectile (which is strong enough to cancel hadouken), he now has Tornado Sweep, a small gust of tornado wind which serves the same purpose. His V-Skill is Double Kick- a move seen back in Final Fight that hits both sides-  a possible counter to jump-in attacks. His V-Triggers is the easiest to differentiate for casual players. V-Trigger I has him pull out a knife that can be thrown, or V-Trigger II where he channels Mike Haggar by wielding a pipe, granting slow but strong attacks.

Cody is available on June 26th as a standalone DLC, bought by either using the 100,000 Fight Money (in-game currency) or the usual DLC price. He is also available for owners of the Season 3 pass. Cody comes with four costumes, including his old jailbird getup, his original look in Final Fight and a costume similar to Mike Haggar.


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