EA and DICE have shared the post-launch roadmap for its FPS Battlefield V. The game will feature a substantial post-launch support thanks to the live service dubbed as Tides Of War. The service is promising changes to gameplay, new modes, new maps and the regular bug fixes.
The roadmap for now is split into three chapters. The first, Overture, starts around two weeks after the game launches. This will add:
- Panzerstorm map, focuses on tank combat
- War Stories (single-player mode): The Last Tiger
- Practice Range
- Vehicle customisation
In January, chapter 2, Lighting Strikes, will be deployed. Content around this chapter revolves around vehicle play, with new modes to be added such as:
- Combined Arms co-op mode
- Revamped Rush mode
- Squad Conquest mode
Lastly, sometime in Spring 2019 is the Trial By Fire chapter. This is when the battle royale mode developed by DICE and Criterion will be available.
- Firestorm (battle royale mode)
- Greece map
Each chapter has weekly challenges to complete for more rewards, like any live game would. More chapters of the Tides Of War will be coming later down the road.
Battlefield V will be out on November 20th on the PS4, PC (via Origin) and Xbox One.
Source: Battlefield