Despite reports of Mass Effect being shelved at the moment due to the disappointing launch of Andromeda, Bioware’s other marquee IP Dragon Age is still continuing, with another game set in the universe currently in the works.
Alexis Kennedy of Failbetter Games (Sunless Sea) has been doing a lot of guest writing nowadays. He was involved with Paradox Interactive’s sci-fi 4X strategy game Stellaris by guest writing the DLC Leviathan, as well as making his own games, the latest of which is Cultist Simulator. He is also guest writing a new Dragon Age game.
His involvement to guest write another Dragon Age project isn’t really new news either, the first we heard about this was last year by Eurogamer and Kennedy’s studio has also involved with the IP beforehand by creating the browser game Dragon Age: The Last Court.
Eurogamer has since followed up the story and interviewed Kennedy of this “strange arrangement”. Bioware usually don’t employ guest writers, and Kennedy remains working remotely from the UK while communicating with Bioware in Canada. If you’re curious on how the arrangement has been going, go check out the full article.
Bioware has yet to announce what the new Dragon Age game would be, but the recent interview suggests that it is certainly being worked on, at least the writing aspect of the project is. What we know so far is that the is also working on an entirely new IP, codenamed Dylan, that we would probably see more by next year.