Yakuza Developers’ Next Project Will Be Announced On August 26

While the rest of the world is waiting for two more Yakuza games to be released in English- Yakuza Kiwami arriving next month and Yakuza 6: Song Of Life next year- the developers of the series has been hard at work on their new game.

The Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, or Yakuza Studio, will unveil their current projects officially in an event on August 26, according to Gematsu. In a recent livestream, head of the studio Toshihiro Nagoshi stated the presentation for multiple titles.

Would it be a new Yakuza game? Yakuza 6, first released in Japan last year, marked the closing chapter of series protagonist Kazuma Kiryu. So if it is another Yakuza game, there is room for the series to go in a different direction.

However, we could also be seeing a totally new IP announced. Despite being named after their staple series, the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has been known to make other games of different genres. The first being Binary Domain, a cover-based third-person shooter set in a future dystopia.

Whatever it is, let’s hope their future games won’t take long before it gets localised.

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