Yakuza 6: Song Of Life Confirmed For English Release In Early 2018

The Yakuza series is on a roll as of late with all of their games finally got localised for English audiences with Yakuza 0 out early this year and the remake of the first Yakuza, Yakuza Kiwami, ready for release this August. That means there’s only one more game that has yet to reach the West (and English speaking countries in Asia)- Yakuza 6.

Good news, that’s being localised too, coming early next year.

Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life is the first game to utilise the brand new Dragon Engine, built to make use of the PS4 hardware in full. The story takes our good natured Yakuza man Kazuma Kiryu back into the seedy streets of Kamurocho and the new city of  Onomichi, a beautiful, sleepy port town in Hiroshima Prefecture.

Kiryu found out that his surrogate daughter Haruka was attacked and now has to take care of her infant son. This situation leads Kiryu to another crime story that will surely involve him bashing some heads.

With another game release next year, this makes the Yakuza series being more relevant than ever. Maybe there’s a higher chance we would see Kiryu appear as a guest character in Tekken 7 next year? One could dream, but having all the mainline Yakuza games finally translated is already a huge win for us.

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