Two Point Hospital’s New Gameplay Video Show Janitors Becoming Ghostbusters And People Fancying Themselves As Rock Stars

More wacky diseases revealed

Two Point Hospital is a spiritual successor to Bullfrog’s Theme Hospital where you build and manage of hospital to cure the most peculiar diseases. At E3 during the PC Gaming Show, developers Two Point Studios revealed two diseases- one being a unibrow infestation that can spread if the janitors don’t take action and treat the turtle head disease.

The new five-minute gameplay video has the developers walk us through Mitton University, a level where you have to train your staff rather than hiring top talents, to showcase two more diseases. One is the chance for patients to die and turn into ghosts, and you have to take care of business by having janitors- should they have given the right training- use the vacuum cleaners to suck them in. That’s a 2-for-1 reference there for Ghostbusters and Luigi’s Mansion.

The other is a mental illness called Mock Star, where patients will turn and believe themselves as the reincarnation of a particular glamorous band frontman. It’s the job of psychiatrists to snap them out of this.

If you look hard enough you can also spot a Sega arcade cabinet for use in the staff room.

As you can see, this is the game’s big selling point: the humorous take on sickness and diseases. Hospital Simulator 2018 it is now. It will indeed arrive on PC sometime this year, however.

Via PC Gamer

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