The Volvo 242 Is Now Hidden Somewhere In Need For Speed Payback For A Limited Time

The sleeper car returns

Another new limited-time Abandoned Car has arrived in Need For Speed Payback. The Volvo 242 is the third car to be picked up in this manner, but first you need to find it.

Again, the hint to find it comes from the Need For Speed Twitter account:

This is rather vague, as there is a lot of ground to cover between the two dealerships, but the last hint, near a tunnel, should help narrow down the locations to look for. For a more concrete location to where the Volvo is hiding, you can refer to the images below:

Like all Abandoned Cars, it will only be available for a limited time. No DLC purchases necessary. The Volvo 242 is the third Abandoned Car following the Mazda RX-7 and Volvo Amazon of the already announced six, so expect the rest to drop sometime soon.

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