The old arena shooter is making a comeback with some new tricks. Quake Champions, a PC exclusive title, is currently in closed beta, but it is opening up its testing a bit more with a “large scale tech test” that will begin on May 12.
Rather than have it be like a normal open beta that’s available just for the weekend, the tech test will continue until May 21. This will be available to everyone, but you will need to sign up for codes here. However, Bethesda is guaranteeing access to anyone that applied. It’s a 13GB install from a 9.2GB download. All NDA (non-disclosure agreement) will be lifted by this date, so everything for the test is free to be share on video, stream, and be talked about in general.
id Software successfully rebooted Doom last year, nailing down the essence of the single-player campaign that made the original a classic. However, the multiplayer portion missed the mark. Quake Champions will be a multiplayer-only, free-to-play offering so let’s hope id and co-developers Saber Interactive can do a better job than Doom’s multiplayer.