Observe Squirrels And Unravel A Mystery In Nuts, Out Now On Apple Arcade

Have you ever stopped to think about squirrels? Why do they like nuts? Do they like doughnuts?

Anyway, if you’re interested in a mysterious adventure game about observing and running surveillance on squirrels, you should take a look at Nuts. In this game, you are a rookie researcher tasked to observe a group of squirrels found in Melthmoth Forest.

Set up cameras on your own to optimise your squirrel surveillance by day, and then review the footage you capture by night to report back to your boss.

But every day, things get weirder and weirder. What are these squirrels up to?

Nuts is out now on Apple Arcade, Apple’s subscription of curated video games selection. It will also be released on PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch on February 4.

via Gematsu

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