Remember when Final Fantasy XV showed the new invincible suits that resembled a bit like the suits in the new Power Rangers movie and it had to be redesigned and delayed?
Well, it’s out now and it looks totally different. No more colour schemes, they are now just ornate looking suits that would look in place with the enemy Niflheim empire. Fitting, since their whole army is powered by Magitek.
The invincible suits, expected to launch with the booster pack DLC, is now free for everyone alongside the new version 1.13 update. Here’s the patch notes:
- New quest(s) have been added to Meldacio Hunter HQ (after Chapter 8).
- A new ally cooperation system called “Rush Link” has been added.
- The “Magitek Armor” invincibility suits have been added.
- The limited time content “Moogle Chocobo Carnival” has been reopened.
- Various bugs have been fixed.
- Save data from this version cannot be used with save data from an old version.
- If you overwrite save data from the old version with save data of this version, it can no longer be used in the old version.