New Final Fantasy XV Update Adds Survey For Future Content

Final Fantasy XV continues to be worked on. The latest update to land for this month is a mostly a minor one, an addition of one new recipe: “stinky tofu” (thank the survey answers from players of Taiwan for this), leaderboards for the Timed Quests, a new snapshot winner added into the game and various bug fixes. Additionally, a new outfit for Noctis will appear seperately on the Playstaion Store on May 30, pictured above.

The most peculiar of additions in the update however is a survey located in the Special section of the main menu. It simply asks you what sort of future content you are looking forward to, with high votes to be considered for future content.

The choices are interesting. Most of them are more story content from a different perspective. There’s also suggestions for other playable characters, a hard mode and improved mechanics.

There’s no guarantee if all of these will see the light of day, but the team at Square Enix has a bunch of ideas to work with. Seeing more story content (possibly via paid DLC) is always interesting should the package be more fleshed out. The first story DLC, Episode Gladioulus, runs a bit on the short side to be worth talking about.

The survey will run until the end of June, so if you have the update all set up, why not lend a voice and tell them what sort of content you would like to see in the future.

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