Malaysian Made Game (MMG): Hexlords at CF “17

To be honest, from my point of view, this game pretty similar to our D-Famous game of all time – Clash Royal but with added mix and sci-fi backstory. The game concept looks similar but in term of how the strategy works, it’s totally different. First of all, this game is made by our own Malaysian kin with Aeonsparx (well known for whom starting to enter the Android and mobile game industry). Hexlords has been under production for more than a year, I believe it’s still in alpha phase plus, the game will keep on improving even further. Hopefully, manage to beat the D-Overrated Clash Royal.

In case you guys wondering and love to read the backstory of, FEAR NOT, I gotchu fam.

Story :


After World War II, the Allied forces, the USA, Great Britain, France, Russia, and China were all in agreement that a destructive event like another World War could not be allowed to ever happen again. They came up with a plan to create one central government to govern the entire world, with representatives from each and every country – including the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan – that would have an informed view of every country as well as an equal say in the running of them. Coming off the heels of World War II and a worldwide yearning for a lasting peace, negotiations with every country was swift and the United Democratic Government was established in Brussels (?) in 1947.

The United Democratic Government & Economics

Each country makes an oath to preserve the culture, character, and legacy of each and every country, so for example, a country such as Japan would retain its rich cultural history and traditions that would have made it quintessentially Japanese, i.e. cherry blossoms, samurais, pagodas, cuisine etc. However, as a global government, all borders are open – each country welcomes ideas of globalisation and free trade, and immigrants come and go freely with no visa requirements, although travel is tightly controlled and quotas are placed to ensure that no country that has more positive prospects will be overpopulated by one nationality or otherwise. Due to this, every employable person is registered to a recruitment agency in their respective countries that handles requests and placements worldwide. Although different careers still demand higher wages as they do now, the economies in each country for better or for worse have continued to gain parity throughout the years, due to the input of other countries and the relatively free movement of labor.

The Voting Reach

General running of the country left to a representative and their ministry and is to be reported at each council. Outside countries also have no direct control over other countries’ rule, and they are generally left to be independent. Any concerns e.g. civil unrest or state of economy pertaining to a certain country may be brought up during council and actions to intervene may be voted on. Due to these collaborations, warlords in countries like Africa and Thailand have largely been removed from power, although a few still remain and are left to their own devices as long as they don’t attract too much attention or interfere with other countries’ interests, for example when a country has many of its citizens working in that country.

Culture Clash

As citizens of every country were free to move around, cultures have slowly mixed throughout the years, creating unique customs and events. For example, many Middle Easterners migrated to Africa as the climate was similar and its prospects became more positive after the culling of warlords. China had its economic reforms in the 1950s rather than the late 1970s and has thus developed much sooner, increasing the speed of technological advancement. Several countries, therefore, had a booming Chinese population in certain states, for example, Vancouver has been nicknamed New Beijing due to the growing majority of settlers from China. Vocabulary from different languages started to mesh together to create unique slang in each country – patois.

Ministry Monitoring

Ministries were allowed higher levels of monitoring of their countries due to the fear of potential uprisings. As technology advanced throughout the years, citizens became increasingly scrutinised and everything from the TV they watched, the places they visited, and the things they purchased were observed. Every person had to be registered with their current ministry and it was possible to track their every move through CCTV feeds. Most citizens understood the need for this, but it also created negative sentiment in others as their own privacy and trust in themselves was valued.

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