Here’s A Side-By-Side Comparison Of The New Guilty Gear And Guilty Gear Xrd

At EVO 2019, Arc System Works revealed that a new Guilty Gear game, simply titled Guilty Gear, is in development. And it looks even better than Guilty Gear Xrd, which used clever tricks to make the 3D characters look like 2D hand-drawn animation.

A new trailer for Guilty Gear was revealed recently at Tokyo Game Show 2019, where we get showcases of the two leading characters: Sol Badguy and Ky Kiske.

Also, a tease for the next character, May, was shown.


Content creator of fighting games HiFight recently produced a side-by-side comparison of the new Guilty Gear versus Guilty Gear Xrd. The combos done in the trailer can be executed in Xrd. So you can now see where Arc System Works have tweaked and improved the already pretty visuals, aside from the redesigned clothing. There are way more frames on those facial closeups, for example.

The new Guilty Gear is expected to drop sometime in 2020. Expect to see the next trailer at CEOTaku, the anime fighting game tournament starting on September 27th.

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