Forza Horizon 4 Series 37 Update Will Be The Last For New Content Addition

Forza Horizon 4 is getting its next content update, Series 37, later this week. And it will be the last to feature new cars, events and features.

“With Forza Horizon 5’s release being our priority in the next few months, we made some changes to the Forza Horizon 4’s monthly series updates,” said senior producer Tom Butcher at the recent Forza Monthly livestream.

“Starting with Series 38, players who know the game well will start to see the return of content from Series 7 to 32,” he added. The new series updates starting with Series 38 (coming next month) will be a “bit like a mixtape” where you will see old seasonal events appearing again, complete with their pun-filled names.

“Although we aren’t planning to add all new cars and features over these next months, you should have a lot of fun revisiting these moments,” Butcher said.

Series 37 has been previewed on the same livestream, which will be adding the VUHL 05RR, a Mexican-made open-top supercar, and a new variant of the Super7 event, Super7 High Stakes, where you can earn more elusive rewards should you keep going, but lose it all should you fail.

Forza Horizon 5 is the new sequel to the open-world racing game, where players will be driving around Mexico in their biggest open world yet.

With the new game coming later this November, Forza Horizon 4’s days of monthly content additions are numbered. But now we have a specific timing on when it will end. It’s been a good run, 37 months of content updates is an impressive streak. Now let’s hope it won’t get delisted too soon.

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