An all-new civ is coming to Civilization VI: Rise And Fall and it fills in the lack of Native American civs in the sequel so far. Civ V saw two different tribes, the Iroquois and the Shoshone getting the spotlight. For Civ VI’s upcoming expansion, it’s the Cree.
The Cree are natives of the lands of modern Canada. The Cree, like many other Native American civs before it, has some great early-game advantages.
The “Nihitaw” civ ability allows it to claim up to three unclaimed tiles by just having a trade route pass them, plus they start with an extra trade route. Poundmaker is a known diplomat, and his Favourable Terms ability will make alliances much more rewarding as it will allow shared visibility and trade routes between allies will gain even more bonuses.
The Cree’s unique unit is the Scout replacement, Okihtcitaw which starts with a free promotion and much stronger than regular scouts. They can also build the unique improvement “Mekewap” which produces more bonuses when built next to Bonus and Luxury resources.
For peaceful and defensive players who want a strong early game to later snowball into a victory, The Cree looks like to be the right new civ to play as.
Civilization VI: Rise And Fall will be out on February 8, 2018.