Awesome Games Done Quick 2020 Raised Over 3.1 Million USD For Charity

The Games Done Quick speedrunning showcase events continues to be more awesome by the year. The 2020 edition of Awesome Games Done Quick has raised over 3.1 million USD worth of donations in the span of a week.

They have broken another record this year, topping last year’s 3 million USD by 100,000 USD. The speedrunning marathon had over 2,750 attendees, with a peak concurrent viewership of over 236,000 over on Twitch.

All the donations will be given to the Prevent Cancer Foundation.

The speedrunning community continues to do great things while still showcase some game-breaking skills and showmanship throughout the marathon run. An archive of the many speedruns on AGDQ 2020 can be found on their YouTube channel here.

Summer Games Done Quick 2020, taking place on June 21st-28th.

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