Warframe 1999 Gameplay Shows Hot Protoframes, Boy Band Liches And More New Content

Free-to-play looter-shooter Warframe continues to grow stronger. At TennoCon 2024, developer Digital Extremes showcased a slice of gameplay from the upcoming content update which expands the story into the past. Back to the year 1999, precisely.

Warframe 1999 will see you be part of a team of six Protoframes, prototype Warframes which are humans with augmented abilities. Players now can see, and hear, the real people behind Excalibur, Mag, Volt, Trinity and Nyx, plus new Warframe Cyte-09 (to be added in this new update) as part of The Hex.

Warframe 1999 also feature a star-studded cast. Arthur, codename Excalibur, is voiced by Ben Starr, the man behind the stellar performance of Clive from Final Fantasy XVI.

There’s a romance system where you, as the Tenno, can romance any of the six voiced Protoframes. The interaction is done via an instant messenger system- not Whatsapp but more like mIRC. Sticking to the late 90’s theme. The Hex is technically a Syndicate. And to earn Standing with this Syndicate, you have to get to know them via messaging through this new system.

You can also have the Protoframes playable outside of the new story content as part of the Gemini Series skin. This skin for the six featured Warframes can use an emote to switch to their Protoframe form, complete with voice quips.

Alongside introducing the new cast, the demo showcased the new Atomicycle vehicle to traverse the open world, new enemies ( the new Scaldra faction) and bosses, and the bleak pre-Y2K world.

The soundtrack is very late 90’s-early aughts as well. In particular, there’s an in-game boy band called On-lyne which has a full pop song that’s very ‘Nsync-coded. The soundtrack also ranges from alt rock to industrial metal.

Outside of the story campaign, the Warframe1999 will also add new Infested Liches. These behave like the Kuva Liches, the nemesis system-like system Warframe has. The catch is the five Infested Liches corresponds to the On-lyne boy band members, but Infestified. Now go back and listen to that catchy pop song, it’s filled with clever wordplay that references pop songs and Warframe Infested lore.

Warframe 1999 Update: What to expect

  • New story featuring The Hex- six different Protoframes
    • Excalibur
    • Mag
    • Volt
    • Trinity
    • Nyx
    • Cyte-09
  • New Warframe: Cyte-09
  • New Atomicycle vehicle
  • New Gemini Series skins
  • Romance system tied to The Hex Syndicate
  • Infected Liches
  • New Enemy faction: Scaldra
  • New weapons and skins

Warframe 1999 goes live in Winter 2024, that’s later this year, on PC and consoles.

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