Transference Is A New VR Thriller Experience By Ubisoft

Ubisoft announced at their E3 press conference a new VR experience in collaboration with SpectreVision, a production studio led by Hollywood Actor Elijah Wood. This new movie/game (or one of writer’s preferred term for this: “choosies”) revolves around the idea of uploading memories and recreating it digitally. What if you can’t tell which reality you are in after taking your headset off?  Transference sounds like a setup for an episode of Black Mirror with all the technology horror angle they are going for. And it’s announcement trailer captures the unsettling tone they wish to portray.

The basic gameplay sounds simple enough- explore a home and fill in the details of what happened to the family that resides there. Choices made during the experience will lead to branching paths of the story.

While it is recommended to play Transference with a VR headset and touch controllers- Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Playstation VR are all supported- you can also experience it as a normal game, available on the PS4, PC and Xbox One early next year.

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