Titanfall 2 Adds New Co-Op Mode For Free

Titanfall 2 is the game that keeps on giving. It has a pretty solid single-player campaign on launch, multiplayer is constantly updated with free maps and now the game has an extra new mode, or free.

The new mode, Frontier Defense, is a four-player co-op mode where you have to defend your Harvester against five waves of enemies. It’s essentially a take on Gears of War’s Horde mode but with some twists.

You will also gain Aegis Ranks for your Titans in this mode, which will unlock more abilities exclusive for Frontier Defense. There will be three difficulty tier as well as an extra Insane difficulty for those who want to test themselves.

Five maps will be available in the new mode, including a new map called Rise. Another map called Township is also added for Live Fire mode.

All of the content mention, as well as new paid cosmetics, will drop on July 25.

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