The Culling: Origins Relaunches A Mediocre Game With A New Terrible Business Model

After a troubled attempt at staying afloat during the great Battle Royale boom, developers Xaviant studios have decided to challenge preconceived notions about game ownership with The Culling:Origins.

The re-release really advances the debate around in-game purchases by requiring the player to buy tokens to play the game on top of already buying the game for USD5.99

You’ll get one free online match every day. And if you win a match, you’ll earn a free match token. So you’ll be able to play the game online each day without spending any extra money

If you want to play more than that, we’ll be offering online match token packs along with passes that give unlimited access for a week or a month

Xaviant blog

It should be noted that the key feature of Battle Royale games is many losers, and one winner.

Owners of the original The Culling get the game for free, however, though ownership in this game’s case really just means access to your one free match a day.

The game launches on XBox One May 14th, and will come to Steam at a later date.

Source Xaviant Blog

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