Remember WipEout? No not that silly game show, but the future racing game where cool looking ships hover at blazing speeds while a thumping electronic music is playing. Remember that? Well, there is a remaster collection for the PS4 and it’s out now.
The WipEout Omega Collection is based on the content seen in WipEout HD, WipEout HD Fury expansion and WipEout 20148 all wrapped in one new package for the PS4. Everything looks sharper as ever with an HDR option and native 4K support on PS4 Pro.
Check out the launch trailer below:
While the original developer team Psygnosis (or it s last known name SCE Studio Liverpool) has shut down, we may not see a completely new WipEout soon. But if you cared for a new one, why not get this to show a sign of interest and help them know there is still demand for future races.
WipEout Omega Collection is available for RM149. You can get the game digitally here.