It’s one big show for the green team today at E3 as they finally announce their new hardware to compete with the PS4 Pro. Here’s a quick recap on what Microsoft’s Xbox had to say during their pretty long two hour presentation. Good news is, most of them are about the games. 42 of them in fact, with 22 having exclusivity to Xbox.
The Xbox One X
The long awaited better Xbox One to compare with the better PS4 that is the PS4 Pro, the Xbox One X (previously known as Scorpio) is one lean, mean machine releasing November 7 at $499 USD. The promise of native 4K is backed with impressive specs. Various game will get updates to support the new console.
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Microsoft also dropped one more bombshell with the announcement of backwards compatibility for the original Xbox games.
Aside from that, the rest of the presentation did not dwadle on Mircosoft stuff- only short mentions of their streaming platform Mixer, and plugging the Microsoft Store. The bulk of the presentation focused on the most important thing the Xbox is currently lacking: games.
Smaller 1st Party Lineup
On the first party side it’s a little slim. The biggest new reveal is Forza Motorsport 7. Sea Of Thieves gets another big showcase and Crackdown 3 is still in development.
Other than that, we see Minecraft continues to be updated, now with cross-platform support.
As for second-party (games published by Mircrosoft Studios), we get to see Ori And The Will Of The Wisps, the sequel to the beautiful 2D Metroidvania Ori and The Blind Forest. Open world zombie apocalypse survival game State Of Decay 2 also got another look.
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Third Party Support
To bolster the slim first party games, Microsoft brought out the big guns from third parties. Assassin’s Creed Origins gets revealed ahead of the Ubisoft press conference while EA and Bioware’s new IP Anthem debuted its gameplay trailer here.
We also got to see more of Middle-earth: Shadow Of War, support from Bandai Namco with trailers for Dragon Ball FighterZ and Code Vein, and Square Enix’s new prequel to Life Is Strange.
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Tons of New Indie Games
And if that isn’t enough to sell you an Xbox One, they have an impressive line of indies in store. Notable ones include the beautiful looking The Last Night, the faithful cartoon aesthetics of Cuphead, the esports-centric The Darwin Project, the exploration game Tacoma and of all things, another 3D platformer with Super Lucky’s Tale.
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