Mortal Shell is new soulslike game from Cold Symmetry, a new team of former AAA game developers. And by soulslike, there are playing it almost straight. Even the aesthetic, a grimdark, gritty medieval theme twisted by fantasy, could be mistaken as a Dark Souls game at first glance.
The game had over 350,000 players trying out the open beta on PC. And now the game has a release date.
A new trailer is released to announce the date and also to show off a new weapon: the Ballistazooka. It shoots heavy iron bolts that can pin enemies to walls. It’s basically a medieval rocket launcher.
Take a look at the trailer here:
Mortal Shell will launch on August 18 on PS4, PC (Epic Games Store) and Xbox One. There are plans for a Steam release in 2021, after the time-limited exclusivity deal with Epic finishes.