You can’t win every year. Sony’s presentation this year is more of the same as last year’s- focusing on just the games. It isn’t as impressive this time around since a lot of the games were the ones we knew already but if you are one of the owners of 60.4 million PS4s out there, there’s something for everyone.
Though you might missed out on some big announcements if you just watch the main press conference.
Big Announcements.. From the Pre-Show?
This is a bit weird. Sony prioritises some games over the others, and the games with not as a big appeal are relegated into the pre-show. And this is not just small announcements. We got a longer look at the new Everybody’s Golf. Knack 2 got a release date (September 5). Even GT Sport couldn’t get into the main presentation with a new trailer and release window announced at the pre-show.
Sony’s take on using mobile devices as controllers for games- PlayLink- also got announced here. New indie games like the reveal of Tropico 6 and Undertale coming to the PS4 were lumped here as well. Undertale coming to the Vita was the only time the handheld device was ever heard of on screen.
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Deja Vu, Haven’t We’ve Just Been In This Place Before?
A lot of the presentation style is very reminiscent to last year. A lot of the games were very reminiscent to last year. A lot of the stage gimmicks- an orchestra, some additional lighting and props (including actual people hanging during the Days Gone trailer). Good thing the games being shown are actually pretty exciting to watch. But if you expected something to blow you away like last year, last year’s line up being shown again just won’t cut it.
Days Gone, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted The Lost Legacy, God Of War, and Marvel’s Spider-Man all got a gameplay trailer. Marvel VS Capcom Infinite announced a demo that was available immediately which was cool. Call Of Duty WWII and Destiny 2 also got some screen time.
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So Many Playstation VR Games
Sony is still committing their resources to keep PS VR alive and as such it got a lot of the screen time. If you are not interested in VR, these won’t sell you a headset. But if you content deprived right now and want more VR games, good news. You can buy Skyrim again of all things.
Two Showstoppers
With a lot of the games shown being less hot than usual, there are surprises in the conference. A fully-fledged Monster Hunter for the consoles and PC? Yes please. A Shadow Of The Colossus remake? Since we won’t see Sony doing backwards compatibility anytime soon, sure.
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