JDM: Japanese Drift Masters Speeds Towards Late March Release

JDM: Japanese Drift Masters, the indie racing title by the folks at Gaming Factory, has set a date for their upcoming release. And players wouldn’t have to wait long for their chance to tear through the Japanese suburbs.

This drift-focused simcade racer sees you becoming Touma, a driver who dreams of making a name for himself on the local street racing scene, with some helps from his friend.

This story mode will be told using a manga artstyle created by the dev team, as players will try to become the best in cars that are legendary in the Japanese scene as well, with the likes of Nissan, Mazda and Subaru cars at the player’s disposal and perhaps even more revealed soon.

And as the release edges closer, the team are also adding presets for driving wheels and the many assortments of sim-driving hardware available, while also ensuring the game is quite enjoyable on the controller and even keyboard too.

All that said, JDM: Japanese Drift Masters is set to release on PC via Steam, Epic and GOG on March 26, with it’s prologue demo available to try out on PC as well.

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