Hollow Knight is a 2D Metroidvania by the Australian-based indie developers Team Cherry. Released on PC last year, it has been receiving free updates over the year and now has been released on Nintendo Switch last month.
Now it is available on the PS4 and Xbox One.
The gothic and non-direct storytelling are married with Metroidvania gameplay where you explore the ruins of an insect kingdom. Don’t worry the bugs here all have this cute look to it- big round eyes and all.
The Voidheart Edition is basically the game and all of its released free content update included.
Hollow Knight is available now on the PS4 for RM59, PC via Steam for RM31, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. It’s really cheap and considering all the praise the game has garnered, it’s worth taking a look if you love Metroidvanias like the recently released Dead Cells.