After Some Struggles, Call Of Duty Asia Champions Rampage Gaming Will Compete At CWL Vegas

Rampage Gaming (stylised as RamPaGe Gaming), the current Call Of Duty Asia Champions, are bound for Las Vegas to participate in the Call Of Duty World League Las Vegas. The event, held at Hard Rock Cafe, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA is the first LAN tournament for Call Of Duty Black Ops 4. The season opener, if you will.

However, the Malaysian-based team has been struggling financially to support travelling to tournaments worldwide. It even sparked some conversations online, which not long caught the attention of the Minister of Youth And Sports.

Thankfully, Axis Esports has stepped up and is now the main sponsor and will cover travel and accommodation expenses. In addition, RamPaGe Gaming has also received support from the local National Sports Council (MSN) and Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) plus various parties including esports/gaming lifestyle brand Kitamen and jersey supplier Kaki Jersi.

This will be the second campaign for RamPaGe Gaming on US ground. The team placed a respectable top 80 finish in the open brackets of CWL Anaheim back in June.They are looking forward to making a better run this time, as they are out to prove the talent from Malaysia and Southeast Asia is good enough to challenge the world’s best players. And also try their luck to reach the top 32.

The top 32 teams in the tournament will be in contention for a spot in the Call Of Duty Pro League, where the bestteams and players compete in a regular season.

Rampage Gaming has recently locked a new roster for the Black Ops 4 season (which are now played as 5v5 instead of 4v4) and has been hiring backroom and support staff, including a fitness trainer and business director.

Not long ago, we sat down with team captain and co-founder Abdul Hakiem “Ranger” and Public Relations head of Rampage Gaming Nazmi Nahar to talk about the current state of the local Call Of Duty scene and what it meant to win the Call Of Duty Asia Championship.

You can find the interview, in both video and podcast format here.

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