Do you happen to have Titan Quest in your Steam library? You should be surprised that you now also own Titan Quest Anniversary Edition. This is not just a normal remaster, but the 10-year-old action RPG is getting some proper patches to make it work on modern PC, including UI scaling and replacing the now-defunct Gamespy client for multiplayer with Steam’s, and Steam Workshop support for mods. You can check out the huge patch note here. The Anniversary Edition also includes the game’s expansion Immortal Throne. Even if you did not own the expansion, it will be given for free as well. To those who did not have it, Titan Quest Anniversary Edition is currently on sale for a rather cheap RM9.50.
THQNordic’s press release on this, like its name change announcement, is worth a read. Here’s why they decided to give the updated game for free to previous owners:
One Question: “Why?”
Before someone comes around asking why we give our games out for free (or almost for free if you want), here’s a quick explanation: After our name change from “Nordic Games” to “THQ Nordic”, we wanted a running start for our new identity and had to think about how to begin the new era with the most positive connotation possible (for a publisher).So, many months ago, we had a conversation in our marketing department which went something like this:
“Guys, what can we do to make people like us and stay with our brands?”
“Easy, we just have to be grateful. Remember, without them, we would be nothing.”
“And how should we show gratitude?”
“Free stuff… I guess. Everyone likes free stuff.”
“Well then, give them free stuff, for f***’s sake”So, that’s basically where we are now.
Interestingly, this is only the first time they have done this as THQNordic. As Nordic Games, they provided Red Faction Guerilla a similar treatment of post-launch support, patches for multiplayer, balancing and fixes were done after they bought the IP.
Keeping old customers happy with their previous purchases should bring a lot of goodwill to the newly branded company. Let’s hope their generosity remains as they continue to support the backlog of THQ games they now own, release new ones, and releasing silly press releases.
But what other THQ game would you like to see getting the same treatment? Sound off in the comments below.