Take A Look At Some On-Foot, First-Person Combat Coming To Elite Dangerous: Odyssey

Elite: Dangerous is Frontier Development’s pretty competent space flight sim. But with its upcoming new expansion (which also shifts the colon placement of the title) Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, you can also set foot on planets, and play it as a first-person shooter.

If you haven’t watched the gameplay reveal trailer at the recent Game Awards, take a look at the short trailer here:

A new dev diary reveals show the lengths of what Frontier is doing with Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. You have an arsenal of weapons to use- including assault rifles, shotguns, SMGs, and anti-spacecraft weapons- to put in your arsenal. And each weapon has a manufacturer with distinct looks based on what (fictional) brand it is from. There are sound design at play as you’d expect from an FPS.

It sounds like an incredible pivot given that Elite: Dangerous solely focus on trapping you in a cockpit of a spaceship. Whether it delivers with this DLC, we will have to find out for ourselves soon enough. And it’s coming out sooner than the still-in-development Star Citizen.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion will be out in early 2021 for the PS4, PC (Steam, Epic Games Store, Frontier Store) and Xbox One.

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