At the 25th Sonic Anniversary celebration held during the San Diego Comic Con, Sega announced two Sonic games coming this year. The first was Sonic Mania, a throwback to the 2D Sonic games. Fans have now claimed it to be the proper Sonic 4 or even Sonic 5. The other noteworthy anouncement is Team Sonic’s mainline Sonic game being announced. Granted, it was merely a tease, the current title for it is Project Sonic 2017, though it looks to be promising.
While it was confirmed not to be Sonic Generations 2, the new game will feature both Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic again like Generations did. Check out the trailer below:
The new Sonic game will be released by holiday 2017- that’s by the end of the year on PS4, Xbox One, PC and also the Nintendo NX.