Sega Is Making New Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Crazy Taxi Games

At The Game Awards 2023, Sega announced not one, not two, but five games are in development. The “New Era, New Energy” marketing revealed that a new Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, and Crazy Taxi game is in the works.

The one trailer shows very little snippets of all the five new games.

Jet Set Radio, the funky rollerblading game about nailing sick tricks and sticking up against the police, shows glimpse of protagonist Beat styling it up in what’s presumably Tokyo-to, with a shot of DJ Professor K now with flowing dreads. It will be interesting to see the reception of a new Jet Set Radio when we just recently had a spiritual successor in the form of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.

The new Streets Of Rage is now in full 3D. The beat-’em-up recently received a direct sequel, Streets Of Rage 4, that’s interestingly not published by Sega.

The new Shinobi game, a long-running hack-and-slash action game series since 1987, is going back to 2D after its last bouts in 3D. It’s also taking up a cartoon/comic-book-esque artstyle this time around.

Golden Axe, the three-player co-op beat-’em-up is also going 3D with this new installment. But unlike that new Street Of Rage game, the new Golden Axe seems to have a third-person camera following the player character.

And finally, the arcade racer classic Crazy Taxi looks like a modern rendition of the game, with overly bright colours, and cops chasing you. Gameplay footage also shows multiple taxis outrunning cops, decked out in convertibles just like the taxis. The car models doesn’t seem to be licensed cars, but they sure do look close to the real deal. One cop car and one taxi has that squinty, angular headlights that you only see in a McLaren, for example. As long as they can get one song from The Offspring for the new Crazy Taxi, it should be fine.

None of the new games have revealed their full titles, and who the developers are.

At least it shows that Sega still wants to make use of their IPs, and aware of how long these IPs have been dormant. Whether this new era of Sega games can live up to its long history, or can find a place in the homes of modern-day gamers, remains to be seen.

No release dates were given for any of the new Sega games announced here.

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