Sand Land, the manga series by Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball, Dr. Slump) will be getting a video game, as revealed at the Summer Game Fest 2023 opening livestream.
Sand Land was a manga series created in 2000. In December 2022, various partners kicked off “Sand Land Project” to turn this IP into transmedia. Which we now know includes a video game, to be published by Bandai Namco.
Development of the Sand Land video game will be helmed by ILCA Inc., the team behind the recent One Piece video game One Piece Odyssey.
Sand Land is a world where humans and demons suffer a major water shortage. The game will see you take control of Beelzebub, the “super evil fiend” and his companions, which includes humans and demons alike, on an adventure to find water.
The trailer showcased not only on-foot travel, but also the use of vehicles. Expect vehicular combat as well as character combat in Sand Land. And the vehicles can be customised as well.
Sand Land the video game has no release date yet but it’s coming to PS4, PS5, PC (Steam), Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.